Where have I been?

My god, I am not sure I even know.

It has been a couple of hectic weeks in which I ... attended the Pumpkin Regatta to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving ... taught up a storm (somehow this managed to involve showing a lot of videos of fake phallus props to my students while we were studying Aristophanes*) ... hosted four houseguests (all family, all delightful)... started a hunt for my first ever owned home ... and officially entered my fourth decade of life.

All of which I have wanted to talk about at some length, but there never seems to be sufficient time in the schedule for a good, substantial blogging session.  So I just wanted to pop in and assure you that I am still, at the very least, in the land of the living.  Even if I am experiencing The Five Stages of Grading.

*I didn't show this one to them, but can't resist sharing it with you.