June Goals - a Clear-Eyed Assessment
So, while I work on some longer posts incorporating my pictures from the California coast, I thought I would take a long hard look at how many of my (admittedly ambitious) June reading goals I actually accomplished. The works I actually finished are in italics.
P.S. Why is this post written in uncharacteristic black font? To express my shame at having met only a tiny fraction of my goals.**
*Pictures of the latter coming soon.
** Actually, blogger's font settings are acting up a bit for me. I may just stick to my same-old, same-old style from this point foreward. Trying to highlight the titles of my goals caused nothing but trouble.
- Once Upon a Time Challenge - FINISHED
- "The Golden Ass" by Apuleius
- "Metamorphoses" by Ovid - alas, not even started
- "Morphology of the Folktale" by Propp
- (Optional) John Gardner's "Grendel" - my replacement in the Challenge for the Ovid
- New York Times Notable Book Challenge - I am even farther behind now than I was at this time last month, so I will have to give this challenge some serious attention this month.
- "The Inheritance of Loss" by Kiran Desai
- Elias Khoury's "Gate of the Sun"
- Non-fiction Five Challenge - I still haven't finished a single book for this challenge (gulp), although they all look so appealing, gazing at me from the shelf. Another must-do project for this month. I am, however, halfway through another chunky selection for this challenge, "Watching the English" by anthropologist Kate Fox.
- "1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare" by Shapiro
- Capote's "In Cold Blood"
- Year of Down Under - For a long time this was the only challenge I was caught up on. Well, no more.
- "Alice Springs" by Nikki Gemmell
- "The Cardboard Crown" by Martin Boyd
- 52 plays 2007 Challenge
- 6 this month - Well (ha ha!), no. But I feel confident that now that I am really getting down to work this month (chortle), reading drama shouldn't be a problem.
- Chunkster Challenge - (God, what a grim parade of non-accomplishment) Well, this challenge is officially over, and I only completed 4 of the 6 I promised to consume. I am halfway through two others, though, ("David Copperfield" and "Watching the English") so maybe I will be lenient with myself and allow a purely indulgent one month extension.
- "David Copperfield"
- "Cloudsplitter" by Russell Banks
- Reading Groups (all on Yahoo!) - nope, nope, and nope.
- Inimitable Boz - "David Copperfield"
- Book Awards - "The Stone Diaries" by Carol Shields
- 20th Century World Lit - "Cloudsplitter"
- Non-Challenge, non-reading group books: (Ha! here, in the realm of non-required reading, is where I really shone. That is, where I accomplished a whopping 50% of my goals)
- "Housekeeping," Marilynne Robinson's first novel
- Isaac Asimov's "Foundation"
- "Booked to Die" by John Dunning
- "The Farthest Shore," the third in Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea series. (I am halfway through this as we speak. Or rather, as I type and you read. If you are reading at the beginning of July.)
P.S. Why is this post written in uncharacteristic black font? To express my shame at having met only a tiny fraction of my goals.**
*Pictures of the latter coming soon.
** Actually, blogger's font settings are acting up a bit for me. I may just stick to my same-old, same-old style from this point foreward. Trying to highlight the titles of my goals caused nothing but trouble.