An Embarassment of Riches

Just returned from the library with a haul so delightful that I actually have to put it down in words:
  • Nick Hornby's The Complete Polysyllabic Spree (which I started over lunch)
  • The Looming Tower, Lawrence Wright's reputedly impressive account of Al Qaeda
  • A Fortunate Life by A.B. Facey, for my Down Under challenge
  • Three for the NYT Notable Book Challenge, all of which I recalled from some other poor soul, leaving me with the desperate feeling that I need to read them immediately before they are recalled from me in my turn.
    • The Road by Cormac McCarthy
    • Digging to America by Anne Tyler
    • All Aunt Hagar's Children by Edward P. Jones
  • And a bevy of books I learned about from reading other book bloggers' enthusiastic reviews
    • Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin, about a man who raises money to build schools in Afghanistan.
    • The satirical England, Their England by A.G. MacDonell
    • Jenny and the Jaws of Life, a collection of short stories by Jincy Willett
    • Tryst by Elswyth Thane (only on loan for a single month, piling on the urgency)
When I arrived home, after a long trudge through snow and wind, what should be waiting for me but more delights from the mail: James's The Ambassadors (ok, perhaps to call this one a delight might be a trifle premature) and Linda Newbery's Set in Stone, which won the Costa (formerly Whitbread) Children's Book Award this year.

I see, however, that my "Currently Reading" list is getting, well, somewhat long, so perhaps I should concentrate on finishing up some stuff before I jump into this new pile feet first.